Tool development
Assessment and certification
Advice and consultancy
Forums and conferences

Find out about our different services

In order to help you integrate the principles of eco-construction into your professional practice, we’re offering 6 different yet complementary types of service which can be combined according to your needs. Indeed, we’re providing tailor-made, modular services which will meet the specifics of your projects, your target public or your profile.

Forums and conferences

Organising an eco-responsible event of reflection and sharing around sustainable construction and urbanism


Training in eco-construction and gaining new skills


Visiting building sites or completed sustainable buildings and meeting their designers and builders

Advice and consultancy

Integrating sustainability standards into your architectural projects thanks to tailor-made advice or requesting an assessment

Tool development

Developing or optimising an empowering tool providing information that’s relevant or that meets the needs of your users

Assessment and certification

Benefiting from support through the “sustainable building” certification process or through an in-depth assessment of the sustainability of your architectural project
These various types of activities are complementary so as to cover all the requirements (future) construction professionals might be faced with when tackling sustainable development challenges.
These services can be combined so as to meet specific demands: visits can illustrate a training course, a forum or a conference, the development of a personalised tool could be the result of advice and consultancy work, etc. Feel free to contact us so we can determine, together, what kind of support we could offer you.

Our field of knowledge: nine transversal themes

The CERAA has developed an expertise in 9 sustainable construction themes which we address in every single activity of our organisation in a global, a specific or transversal way. Consequently, we are able to tailor all our services through these different themes.

Project Management

Drawing up procedures for project, site and building management, from start to finish


Encouraging alternative and sustainable mobility

Nature enhancement

Enhancing, protecting and developing the natural environment within the building and on site

Physical Environment

Placing the construction or renovation project in the architectural environment and the landscape

Human environment

Considering the building’s place in the human relations within and around the building


Choosing and using sustainable materials with a low impact on the environment and on health


Reducing the building’s energy footprint


Managing water in and around the building

Health, wellbeing and comfort

Optimising the living comfort of the building’s occupants